By-Laws of the Setauket Parents Playschool
Jan. 22, 2014: Our By-Laws are being updated and will be re-published here when revisions are completed. Please contact us by phone or email if you have any questions.
- Each parent must provide the teacher-director with a signed medical release form, two emergency phone numbers, a signed trip consent form (3 year olds and 4 years olds only), a completed Child World form, and immunization records from the doctor’s office. An updated immunization record is a requirement of NYS and must be on file prior to the first day of school.
- Parents are asked to bring the child to school on time and pick up promptly. The toddler class starts at 9:15 and ends at 11:15. The three-year-old class starts at 12:00 and ends at 3:00. The four-year-old class starts at 9:00 and ends at 2:00. Children will be met by their teacher at the entrance of the fence by the playground at 9:10 & 11:55 for the 2 & 3 year olds, 8:55 for the 4 year olds. The parent will drive to the entrance where the teacher will take the child out of the car and direct the child to the door where another teacher will bring the child to the classroom where the third teacher is waiting. This is a drop off only! If you need to speak to the teacher in length, please do not do it at this time. We must be considerate of the other parents dropping off their children.
- On days when the weather is not best for the teacher to be standing outside, a flag will be placed on the fence and the parents will walk their child to the door. For pick up, the parents come in to the school to get their child.
- All children are requested to bring a full sized backpack to school. Please label backpack with their name and place a recent photo of them inside. Toddlers and three-year olds are to place a complete change of clothes in their backpack for an emergency.
- The teachers will distribute snack and cleanup schedules. If you are unable to provide snack that day please make arrangements to switch with another parent. Parents provide snack on a rotating basis and it is the parent’s responsibility to find a substitute. If your family will be away on vacation please notify the teachers well in advance. It should be a healthy type snack with special treats reserved for birthday and holiday parties.
- If you volunteer to drive on a class trip you must have a seat belt or room for car seats for every child assigned to your car. If you drive, you must be able to chaperone and help the teachers.
- Should the budget run short of trip money, the board might ask the parents to contribute money toward the admission costs of future trips.
- Setauket Parents Playschool will follow the schedule set by the Three Village School calendar, with the exception of: (1) where there are half days, full classes will be held at the nursery school and (2) our school starts and ends with full weeks. (Unless otherwise indicated) The school will follow the Three Village snow days, but in the event the Three Village School District has school during a snowstorm or other bad weather, Setauket Parents Playschool might decide to close. The class parent or the teachers will notify parents of any school closings.
- Teachers will be required to keep the parents informed of special events and lessons via newsletter, monthly calendar, or homework assignments.
- The director and teachers will meet periodically to discuss children’s progress, plan future events and develop a sequential, creative preschool program.
- Parents are urged to serve as resource people and/or guests for program enrichment. Ideas from parents will be discussed, voted upon, and implemented whenever possible.
- Each family will be required to participate in our fund raising events at some point throughout the year. Each family must sell a minimum of $25 in raffle tickets for the end of year raffle. The school will have many different fundraisers to accommodate your needs.
- Parents are responsible to notify teachers of a change in your child’s pick up arrangement.
Daily snack and clean up is schedule on a rotating basis. Please refer to your calendar to determine your turn. If unable to fulfill your responsibilities, please make arrangements to switch with another parent. This is not the teacher’s job.Snack includes one gallon of milk or juice (100 %) and bite size pieces of healthy foods or items easily handled by small children. The school provides paper goods.For birthdays you may provide something special. If you are having a party outside of school please mail invitations to the children unless all the children in the class are included (see class list for addresses). Prior to Holiday, winter and spring recess we need volunteers to bring toys and play clothes home to be cleaned.CLEAN UP INCLUDES:
- Wash out paintbrushes. Put clean brushes in container and leave near easels.
- Cover paint containers.
- Vacuum the rugs. Check the vacuum bag and if full please replace. Extra bags are kept with the cleaning supplies and trash bags.
- Sweep the floors in the main room and wash the two tables.
- Damp mop the floor as necessary. (Especially all paint under the easels)
- Empty wastebaskets and replace with new plastic bags. Bring all trash to the dumpster in the parking lot.
- Additional items for clean up may be requested as the need arises, for example; washing dress up clothes, cleaning toys. Please be cooperative. We want our school to be kept safe and clean for our children.
In 2006 Setauket United Methodist Church installed a Cell Tower Site at the church in the church steeple. A detailed letter explaining the site and information independently obtained by Setauket Parents Playschool was presented to the school. This letter can be found on the school website or with the school director for review. The school discloses this information to all families so they are aware this tower exists.